Study: Pediatricians’ Experience with and Response to Parental Vaccine Safety Concerns and Vaccine Refusals; A survey of Connecticut Pediatricians



Vaccination rates have significantly declined over the past few years; various parents are questioning the safety of these vaccinations, while others are refusing to vaccinate their children all together. The aim of this study is to inspect the response and experience of pediatricians, specifically in Connecticut, to parental vaccination concerns and refusals. 133 pediatricians from the state of Connecticut completed a questionnaire. It should be noted that participation was anonymous and voluntary. The given questionnaire examined the total number of vaccination concerns reported by each participating pediatrician, the economic status of the individuals seen by these physicians, and the personal impact of these vaccination related concerns. The results of the study supports the inclination that there is an increase in parental vaccine related issues and concerns. Compared to circumstances 10 years ago, 62% of pediatricians reported an increase in parental vaccination refusals and vaccination concerns. Over 30% of these pediatricians dismissed parents due to their refusal to immunize. In addition, the results demonstrate that those pediatricians living in suburban areas, who care for high socioeconomic status families, deal with a higher rate of vaccine refusals and concerns. These refusals have a negative impact on pediatricians. While the number of participants was small, the relevant conclusions support the escalation of vaccine related concerns amongst wealthier families. In turn, these increases in concerns and refusals have had a negative impact on practicing pediatricians in the state of Connecticut. The outcome of this study reveal that there is indeed an increase in vaccine safety concerns in Connecticut-based pediatricians.